
看完的感覺, 英國人念大學觀念跟台灣還是有些許差異, 人家是為了找工作,而我們還想再念研究所…..

How to land your dream job

Which are the best courses for future earnings? By Beth Mellor

In the heady days of undergraduate study it was easy to forget the minor matter of getting a job at the end of it all. But now that the issue of graduate unemployment is firmly on the agenda, prospective university students will be more anxious than ever to ensure that their choice of degree pays off when they graduate.

(1) 五大直指高薪的熱門科系: , 醫學, 牙醫,化工, 獸醫 跟經濟, 這些科系畢業生一出社會工作年薪至少 £24,000 (約台幣120萬). 其中前四種是與特定職業直接相關聯, 而經濟系畢業生可從事工作range比較廣。





(2) 另一個發現, 跟往年相比, 社工擠進10大熱門行業 (見10大最好最差Table), newspaper給的理由如下:

Surprising too is the high rank of social work in the tables. It scrapes into the top 10 subjects for graduate salaries, above business studies and computer science. In addition, just under 70 per cent of social work graduates were employed in graduate jobs – a higher percentage than for many other courses.

Ian Johnston, former chief executive of the British Association of Social Workers, says that social work is a good course choice for students. "Nationally, there are higher vacancy rates in social work than in many other sectors," he says. "Social work can be misrepresented in the media and it's not for the faint-hearted, but it is extremely rewarding."  (蠻弔詭的是,職缺很多, 報酬很高, 應該是很多人會搶著做, 這樣為什麼還職缺很多??大概有不足為外人道也的工作內容)

英國10大爛工作, 最差心理學, 倒數第二社會政策, 是要我們系上學弟妹念心酸的嗎?


(3) 英國高中生選校系邏輯-大概還是向錢看, 這大概是先進工業國家共同現象.....

Prospective university students would do well to heed Mark Knox's advice on how to land their dream job at the end of their course. He says: "Think very carefully about the skill set you get from a course, because that's what's important when it comes to applying for jobs. But it is also important to make sure you enjoy the course so you get a good grade at the end of it."

(4)另外一個蠻有趣的Table, 全英Top 25大學,大致都是具有小而美的特色

(ps: appearances in subject tables: 是指該校有多少科系擠進全國前25名; Top places: 是指該校有多少全英第一的科系)


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    Peter Lin

    Study, reflection and contemplation

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